My Costumes On The Big Screen

Civil War Costumes and Clothing Including Antebellum, 19th Century, Early and Colonial American, and Victorian, Garments and Costumes, Custom Made Just for You!

I am a seamstress, specializing in Civil War Reproductions for Re-enactors, Museums, and the Film Industry. My Contact Information

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Historical Garments

Some of my Clientele ~ Allan Albert Productions, Broadway, New York., *MTV Networks, *Shakespeare Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, *Boston Harbor Islands State Park, *Ohio Historical Society, *Gnash Productions, Glendale, California, *Wall to Wall Media/Texas Ranch House(PBS), Alpine, Texas, *United States Department of the Interior, Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, National Park Service, *Dr. Mud Museum, Huntingtown, Maryland, *Signal Mountain Playhouse, Signal Mountain, TN, *Chattanooga Theatre Centre, Chattanooga, TN.

Echoes of War/A Relative Stranger

Thriller - Coming May 2015

Doris - Played by Beth Broderick

Additional Costume Information Here.

“At The Foot Of The “RainbowMovie Coming in May 2014

Additional Costume Information Here.

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Glenda Schroeder
Copyright by Glenda Schroeder

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